Are You confused about
ESAs and Service Animals�how many?� What kind?
Can a parrot, or a lizard be an EDA?
Is there housing for people who want to live away from their children?
Violence Against Women/Sexual Harassment? What mistakes are being made and the consequences?
Areas Covered in the Session:-
We have had more fair housing changes since 2016 than we had in 20 previous years.�It makes it hard to keep up and to be sure that we are in compliance.�Plus, some of the changes are worded in ways that make it difficult to understand.� States and cities are adding changes as well, insurance companies question and challenge the rules. Frequent education for the entire staff is critical to prevent complaints and lawsuits. Be sure to include the maintenance team.
Fair Housing training doesn�t have to be dull and boring; with stories and cases, it can be somewhat entertaining.�Anne shares real cases and experiences that are �wake-up calls� for your company, properties, and team members.
Who Should Attend?